Logo of the Spiritualists National Union WA

Contact Us at the Spiritualists National Union

Complete this form to get in touch with the Spiritualist National Union of WA Inc.

Alternatively, visit us at one of our two locations when services are on.

Our Mediums Schedule page has information on upcoming events.


Our Cannington Centre is also available for hire for Spiritual Activities Contact Sue Evans or Trish Bullock through this page for more information.


About the Spiritualists National Union of WA

Modern spiritualism began for many people in Western Australia on the 1st August 1985. It was called the “Spiritualist National Union of WA” and was held at PDA House at 579 Murray St, Perth.
The first SNU Divine Church Service was held on 7th August 1985. This was introduced and maintained by Pauline and Dennis Jackson who had come to Australia due to work commitments.
Dennis was President, Pauline was the Secretary and they were assisted by Barry Hibble as Treasurer. The committee consisted of Julie Hibble, Mrs C. Bevan, Eunice (Howe) Thornton and Mr E Bevan.
Affiliation to the UK came shortly afterwards and remained that way until the early 90’s. We remained affiliated to the UK but became an independent society able to maintain our own centre.
We have now grown from small centre to two centres in Western Australia, with locations in Cannington and Rockingham. All are welcome at either centre.
Photo of Pauline and Dennis Jackson in 2015
Pauline and Dennis Jackson

Supported Charities

As a member of the local community we support many charities including:

Logo of the Animal Protection Society
Animal Protection Society of WA

Please click on their icons to learn more about the great work they do in supporting our community.

The beginnings of Spiritualism.

Photo of the Hydesville based Fox Sisters

The histological importance of the Hydesville rappings is frequently deemed the spark for the modern Spiritualist movement. In1848, in Hydesville, New York, the young Fox sisters (Maggie, aged 15 and Kate, aged 12), stated that they could have two-way communication with a spirit through strange rapping noises.

The Fox family moved to the property in 1847 and it took a few months for these noises to occur. At first, these rapping sounds were dismissed by the Fox family. The Fox family did not take the noise seriously until 31st of March 1848. When the family were in the bedroom, the Fox sisters were able to communicate with the spirit by making similar noises by using their hands, and fingers or asking direct questions to make noises. Mrs. Fox started asking questions about the rappings in which she received correct information about her age, children’s ages, and if they could bring people in from outside their family. The Fox sisters work out a code for the alphabet. The code that they worked out with the help of a neighbour by signing the alphabet until they heard a rapping and starting the process over again until they had formed answers to the questions that they asked. Through the alphabet code, the Fox sisters and William Duesler worked out that the rappings when made by a spirit. The spirit communicator was a murdered peddler who was buried in the cellar.

Over time the rappings became popular in the local community with up to 300 people attending the house to have various questions asked and correctly answered. When the Fox family moved a few miles to a family member’s property a few years later, the spirit moved with them. This shows us that the Fox sisters were the power for this spiritual event and not the location itself. Although mediumship was not new at this time, it was a public display of mediumship which was the first for this period. As the public took a greater interest in these events, many spiritual circles started across America. This challenges the standard religious beliefs that exist about the communications of spirits.

The events that happened in Hydesville showed us that specific people are mediums. The Fox sisters went on to give many public demonstrations and became world-famous mediums. On 14th November 1849, Maggie and Kate gave their first demonstration in public of these rappings and tappings in a hall in Rochester.