
Unit 7, 64 Kent Street
Western Australia

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Open Circle Every Wednesday Night - February 19, 2025 - 6:45 pm - 9:00 pm

Cannington is one of the Spiritualists National Union of WA centres around Perth.

There are several different types of spiritual services, the most common being divine services and healing services.

The divine service is held on a Tuesday usually at 7:30 we start with a medium or guest speaker and the demonstrator will give a short talk usually on spiritualist philosophy.

During the meeting, there is time for the demonstration of mediumship. This is when the medium will communicate with those in the spirit world and relay the messages to someone in the audience.

On occasions, we offer a special service which is very similar to the divine service while having a demonstration of mediumship these are on other evenings at 7:30 PM.

The open circle on Wednesdays allows everyone to practise and develop their mediumship everyone sits facing inwards forming a rough circle beginner or trained medium alike. They then take turns to practise their gifts.

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